CHONK Uniswap Liquidity Pool (LP) 101

3 min readOct 10, 2020


Hey Chonkies! Many of you have been asking about the liquidity pool for Chonk so you can go fishing for FISH to earn legendary NFT cards. This article will quickly walk you through exactly what you will need to have a successful fishing trip.

You gotta be quicker than that!

Fishing Overview

Fishing is Chonk’s liquidity incentive plan. Its goal is to ensure that liquidity is continuously present on Uniswap so that all chonkers can eat in peace. By staking $CHONK/$ETH $UNIV2-LP tokens on Chonk’s fishing platform, all of you fat cats out there will have the opportunity to become the proud owner of some of the rarest NFT’s (Non-Fungible Tokens) in the Chonkiverse.

The procedure is fairly straightforward: stake $CHONK/$ETH $UNIV2-LP tokens on Chonk’s fishing platform and you will receive FISH. You can then use that FISH to claim Chonk’s exclusive legendary NFT’s. Legendary NFT’s are only available while fishing in the LP Pool.

Other projects might refer to this process as “farming.” But, like, no one farms fish. So you will CATCH FISH. If you want to be the chonkiest of chonkers, try to catch the most you can!

Wondering how you get the $CHONK/$ETH $UNIV2-LP tokens you need to stake to catch FISH? Keep reading!

Here we have some majestic Chonkers about to depart on a fishing expedition

How Uniswap Liquidity Pools Work

Uniswap liquidity pools are essentially a collection of tokens put together by various individuals which are held in smart contracts. These pooled tokens allow you to swap any token with another for its equivalent value utilizing Ethereum as a medium. For example, at the time of writing this (October 8th, 3:47 PM EST) you could swap 1 $MEME for ~22.5 $CHONK (quite the deal).

Uniswap users can easily add liquidity to these liquidity pools by simply clicking on “Pool” and then clicking “Add Liquidity” (see picture below).

1. Click “Pool” and 2. Click “Add Liquidity”

Once you click “Add Liquidity” it will send you to a page like this.

You‘re now free to add liquidity to any pool you would like to. In this case, we’ll be adding liquidity to our favorite project, $CHONK. (Click HERE to easily skip the next steps.)

Make sure Ethereum is added and then click “Select a token” and then paste this address: 0x84679bc467DC6c2c40ab04538813AfF3796351f1 (official $CHONK contract address) to complete the ETH/CHONK pair (see picture below).

3. Click “Select a token” and 4. Paste the contract address listed above. (Alternatively, click the bolded “HERE” to automatically complete this step).

Now you are ready to add liquidity to the ETH/CHONK pool.

Maximizing Your Daily Catch

In order to catch as many fish as possible (maximum of 5 fish per day) in the CHONK Main Course Liquidity Pool (LP Pool) you must deposit a minimum of 1 $UNIV2-LP tokens (which equates to 1 FISH per day). The more fish caught in the LP Pool, the closer you will be to claiming an exclusive, legendary NFT. The maximum amount of UNI V2 LP tokens is 5. (earns you 5 FISH per day)

The Chonky Details:




Etherscan: 0x84679bc467DC6c2c40ab04538813AfF3796351f1


Uniswap: 0x84679bc467DC6c2c40ab04538813AfF3796351f1


Total Supply: 39,000 (largest wallet < 2.1%)




Written by Chonker.Finance

Chonker Finance is a NFT protocol aiming to disrupt the anime & manga industry. We help artist monetize their artworks via collectible NFTs on the blockchain.

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